Monday, 24 June 2013

Useless machine: Leg curl machine

By Linda Melone, CSCS
It's a rare bird who loves hanging out at the gym. Most of us count the minutes until the workout's over and we can get on with our (way more fun) day. So the last thing we want to do is spend time using exercise machines that don't do anything for us. While no machine is totally useless if used properly, some just aren't terribly effective, says Lani Muelrath, MA, fitness expert and author of Fit Quickies. Plus, they put you at risk too-great a risk of injury, she says.
Swap out these 10 useless machines for more effective, expert-recommended move:
1 of 10

Useless machine: Leg curl machine

Why it's useless: Your hamstrings perform two movements: knee flexion and hip extension. The leg curl machine works only knee flexion, which limits the benefits, says Muelrath.
What to do instead: Choose a machine or movement that works both hamstring functions at once, such as the fitness ball hip raise and curl. To do: Lie on your back with legs straight, heels on the ball. Raise your hips by pressing your heels into the ball until your legs are straight. Keep your hips raised as you roll the ball in toward you by bending your knees. Continue rolling out and back towards you for 10 to 12 reps.
More From Prevention: Best Exercises for Knee Pain

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